What is positive intelligence?
Positive intelligence is a proven methodology originally developed by Stanford University Professor Shirzad Chamine to shift from negative thought impulses to a positive mindset and actively make our brains work for us rather than against us.

The Developing Positive Intelligence ™ online course from Executive Edge helps individuals and teams thrive in the workplace, leading to a healthy mindset that will provide the foundation for high-performing leadership success.
By discovering what holds us back and learning to master the most powerful parts of our brain, delegates will learn to:
-Build and support high-performing teams
-Increase efficiency and productivity
-Thrive in challenging times
-Strengthen relationships in the workplace
-Improve well-being
-Increase resilience
-Lower stress and increase fulfilment in the workplace

Research demonstrates that businesses have significantly benefitted from positive intelligence programmes!
-76% improvement on employee development
-3x more creativity
-31% increase in team productivity
-37% higher sales

How will the course run and what can delegates expect?
-A high impact high intensity course run over 7 weeks
-App based and easy to use on the go wherever you are
-A weekly virtual POD meeting with like-minded people facilitated by Bev Couzens
-Membership of the wider PQ™ community via the App for personal interaction.
***To book or for more information please contact Bev Couzens via the details below.