Happy Monday Everyone!
What item on your to-do list did you avoid at the weekend?
My husband Derek and I are in the process of doing a complete refurb of our kitchen. I don’t like to admit it when I procrastinate. The reality is both of us had been putting off the dreaded task of clearing out the old kitchen for many weeks.
As a result, we found ourselves under pressure, trying hastily to get things done before the builders arrived on the first Monday after our holiday. It was all a little chaotic around the house and we are still living in the mess.
I ask myself why did we wait so long to start tackling this chore?
This got me thinking about procrastination in general and why we also put off vital business tasks, to the detriment of our organisations. More pointedly, it got me thinking about the current war on talent and what we can do to develop our staff and procure higher retention rates. With full employment there is no place for procrastination in how to look after and nurture our staff. This is something we as business leaders simply cannot afford to save for another time.
The pandemic has caused many people to take stock of their jobs and some estimates claim that 50% of the work force have either already left positions or are considering leaving a position. So, what do we need to do to stop colleagues from leaving our organisations in today’s precarious marketplace?
Training and Development
By investing in people, we encourage learning. People will feel like they are on a path to success whilst being supported by the business and will want to give back to the organisation. Not all training needs to be formal. Job shadowing costs very little for example and is a great way to upskill colleagues.
Recognition and Rewards
People simply like to feel appreciated and valued. By recognising and incentivising good, hardworking employees, we can create a rewarding environment and a contended talent pool. With inflation higher than it has been since the ‘80’s it is critical that staff feel suitably rewarded for the effort they put in. Given that we can’t simply hike salaries easily, we need to be creative about other ways we can ensure staff feel valued and recognised.
Provide Well Being Support
Today’s post-pandemic workplace is all about flexibility and work life balance. We need to offer helpful solutions to make sure colleagues do not feel overwhelmed. Prioritising the needs of colleagues helps create loyal employees and more importantly, helps to procure good mental health.
Mentorship Programmes
Mentors can provide invaluable support and wisdom. They can provide the knowledge and trust necessary for success which in the end will help to increase productivity and loyalty.
Encourage Healthy Teams
We as leaders, must accept responsibility for supporting teamwork within the business. By giving our team members and colleagues the help and tools they need to work well together, we will create a happy workplace environment where people will have the desire to collaborate. As a result, employees will feel more dedicated in a thriving environment that will bring about a better output and higher retention.