8 Questions to Procure Honest Feedback from Colleagues

Bev CouzensNews, News & Events, Standard

Understanding the psychology and emotion behind employee performance is vital to any business, so how do we get make sure we are getting the best and most candid feedback from our colleagues and employees?

We can start by listening and taking an authentic interest, which will help to develop trust and positive relationships with colleagues. Studies have shown that by creating healthy communication systems in the workplace we will:

  • Encourage learning and growth
  • Create feelings of validation and appreciation
  • Improve efficiency
  • Increase productivity
  • Improve employee retention

Here are 8 essential questions that will encourage open engagement with our employees and colleagues and procure valuable information as we continue along the journey to success.

  1. Are you clear about the current projects you are working on?  If not, what are the gaps?
  2. Is there any part of the business’s process that you find frustrating or inefficient and if so, what ideas do you have to improve them?
  3. Name one thing you feel would enhance and improve team culture.

4. When do you have the most fun at work?

5. What part of your job makes you feel like you have the most purpose?

6. Which of your colleagues deserves praise and why?

7. Which colleagues or team do you want to get to know better?

8. Do you feel you are offered career growth and opportunities within the organisation?

These 8 questions will serve as a framework for understanding the bones of a business and its culture and will help to build mutually beneficial relationships to ensure the future success and sustainability of an organisation.