Most companies recognise the value in developing their leaders and will have programmes in place for both new and existing managers. Usually, the emphasis of training will be on new leaders, with the content falling under the category of ‘need to know’ in order to do their jobs. However, at some point in their development, the training tends to fall away, often leaving them pretty much to their own devices, albeit perhaps under the guidance of a senior manager. Many managers who find themselves in this position may well have adopted a management style that might not be as effective as it could be in terms of getting the best out of their team. This is especially true of more senior members of their team, who may require a different approach. Developing this particular skillset can be tricky, given the numerous other responsibilities that leaders will have.
So, is it really possible for managers to become coaches? In one sense, the job of a coach is mainly focused on development, so there are some areas of difference between a manager and a coach. However, evidence suggests that those leaders who act more like coaches bring many benefits to businesses. In our experience, some of the best managers we have come across are already acting as coaches to their team. While for a few lucky people coaching skills are intuitive and are the result of a culmination of previous learning and experience, the rest require more training to bring them to the fore. Many companies already understand the value of employing coaching techniques; in fact, some of the most successful businesses will invest in external companies to help support this. They will often bring in business coaches to develop senior management teams in the hope that they will, in turn, pick up the coaching skills and confidence needed to inspire others.
If you are looking to help your managers become better coaches, it might be worth having a chat. All our conversations are treated confidentially. You can get in touch by calling 01594 564803 or emailing